
Life, photos but not the universe

A new widget I’ve discovered in Windows Vista.

It snips out any bits of the screen you select so you can save or edit it.  Heaps better than screen print.

What really?  Snow!


I’m back.  Now that it’s all done, I’m allowed to tell you why, in mid December of all times, we chose to set off into a wet place in what is really little more than a long thin floating caravan!  It was a special weekend for the loverly Mr and Mrs Mills and a subtle plan was made, to appear, gliding along the canal and say “Hey!  Surprise surprise!   Come and spend the rest of the weekend afloat”. Wonderful Mrs Mills made the arrangements with the rest of us and although canal maintenance prevented us from appearing practically across the road from their hotel, a lot of frantic and secret texting between Wonderful Mrs Mills and Barney, made it possible for us to appear as if by magic, gliding into a nearby boatyard as they drove up.

I have to say, we were yet again, amazingly lucky with the weather.  Snow wouldn’t  have been a very good thing!  And the boat was seventy foot long which is pretty much the longest available, so there was plenty of room for six of us.  So it was all rather nice (though cold outside).  And I’m not complaining (yet) about catching Barney’s cold.  Which we probably all will.

Now I’m home and coughing and snuffling and trying to get my head round that Christmas thing.  My head seems to be temporarily an irregular polygon* shape and won’t go round anything much.


Well, but maybe canal holidays in December aren’t such a bad idea : )

The low winter sun glinting off the water at midday

Geese wanting to know when (our) dinner will be ready

glowing winter evenings

Spectacular sunset over the last bridge

before a still, quiet, mooring lit by the blaze

And get that single ray, coming up from behind the purple clouds (which heralded rain for the day we packed up and left : )


*polyhedron?  Not flat but solid with lots of pointy bits.  And some flat sides.

December 15, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | 3 Comments